
UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals is an initiative to promote global sustainable development that all countries must strive to achieve by 2030. 195 Governments signed an agreement in Paris last year to meet these goals. Chora Connection/UN
UN's Sustainable Development Goals from M-A-D on Vimeo.
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Alliance Graphique Internationale
Every year AGI challenges its members to explore contemporary issues intended for publications and exhibitions.
For AGI-Mexico, 2018: El Otro Lado raises the question of boundaries between “sides.” In times of many crisis, new polarities are challenging the essence of truth, justice and especially humanity. The latter is an invitation to evoke the timeless question of the self as it exits in the universe of “the other.” It is a reminder that we, together and alone, must find the ways to collaboratively exist within the limits of one planet.
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coeistence / AGI Congress 2015, Biel
By June, 130,000 refugees and migrants have entered EU • 3,000+ have perished in the attempt—1,350 over the last 10 days of that period.
Human migration toward Europe has become a concern of historic proportions, massively shaking down the foundations of socio-political ethics.
Adrift in a Sea of Information (referring to The Raft of The Medusa) by Véronique Vienne
Other AGI Congress 2015 posters
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to BE ? / Special Project: "modular" / AGI Congress 2011, Barcelona
bees, agriculture and pollination
Did we invent language to tell complex stories or did we inherit simple stories that turned into a complex language?
0_o Perhaps we conceived language not to tell stories but to build survival systems. Just to be. But all systems exist within a larger and more complex one. Bees have built a thriving architecture, that we have harnessed. They have virtually been feeding market commodities, as well as ninety percent of the world's commercial plants, from fruits and veggies to coffee and cotton.
And now they are dying overnight because we have destroyed their language. Now is the time for humans have to pollinate for the bees. Pollinate ideas to save bees. To start with…
creative process by funnel of influence / Special Project: "modular" / AGI Congress 2010, Porto
Creative process can range from simple to complex, learned to improvised and easy to painful. Research, planning, sketching, play and implementation are all parts of a usually unpredictable act positioned in the midst of an ever shifting jumble of tools, technologies and expectations from client, audience and peers. Each project is a wonderfully unique venture, always exposed to contingencies that may lead into graceful love affairs as easily as into conflicts of interest. However it happens, this process aims for the yearnings of creative innovation.
…Exhibited in Mapping The Process, Porto and published in Process Is The Project
iControl for AIGA Denver
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bees, agriculture and pollination
Did we invent language to tell complex stories or did we inherit simple stories that turned into a complex language?
0_o Perhaps we conceived language not to tell stories but to build survival systems. Just to be. But all systems exist within a larger and more complex one. Bees have built a thriving architecture, that we have harnessed. They have virtually been feeding market commodities, as well as ninety percent of the world's commercial plants, from fruits and veggies to coffee and cotton.
And now they are dying overnight because we have destroyed their language. Now is the time for humans have to pollinate for the bees. Pollinate ideas to save bees. To start with…
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creative process by funnel of influence / Special Project: "modular" / AGI Congress 2010, Porto
Creative process can range from simple to complex, learned to improvised and easy to painful. Research, planning, sketching, play and implementation are all parts of a usually unpredictable act positioned in the midst of an ever shifting jumble of tools, technologies and expectations from client, audience and peers. Each project is a wonderfully unique venture, always exposed to contingencies that may lead into graceful love affairs as easily as into conflicts of interest. However it happens, this process aims for the yearnings of creative innovation.
…Exhibited in Mapping The Process, Porto and published in Process Is The Project
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iControl for AIGA Denver
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